If you are looking at this page, we would like to thank you for considering wedlockindia.com as a host for your articles. We are now looking for talented and original writers that will give us quality and rich content. As our guest author, you will have exposure to the fashion world.
What you can write about?
As you can see on our blog, you can write about a lot of things. But most of them refer to
- Fashion
- Makeup
- Health
- Shopping
- Beauty Tips
- Wedding
- Clothing & Accessories and more.
Don’t be afraid to suggest something new, because who knows? We might like it.
What are the guidelines?
If you would like to submit a guest post to this blog wedlockindia.com, follow the instructions below for consideration. Only guest posts that meet these criteria will be considered for publishing.
- The post must be useful to the readers of this blog.
- Minimum word count 500+
- The post must be grammatically correct and well-written.
- The post may include one or two dofollow links to your website and blog in a brief author’s bio (approximately 3 sentences) or inside the website content.
- Guest posts must be original and may not have been published elsewhere online already.
What You Will Get Back In Return?
We have Huge Social Media Presence. With More than 10 Million Monthly Visitors to our Pinterest Account and 70,000+ Followers to our Facebook Page. We’ll share your post in our Facebook Page, Twitter, Pinterest and Google Plus , to help you reach as many readers as possible.
Wedlockindia Official Pinterest Profile – https://in.pinterest.com/wedlockindia/
Wedlockindia Facebook Page – https://www.facebook.com/wedlockindiapage/
Wedlockindia Facebook Group – https://www.facebook.com/groups/6098962986809069
Please contact us on wedlockideas@gmail.com for advertising and collaboration.
Where to submit your proposal and your articles?
You can contact us by sending an email to wedlockideas@gmail.comwe will review your proposal and get back to you in less than 24 hours.